Abstract—Resources and environmental carrying capacity as
the basis of sustain development has been paid more and more
attention. This paper aims to discuss the major concepts of
resources and environmental carrying capacity and the
problem in this area. Based on thorough analysis of the concept
and evaluation methods of resources and environmental
carrying capacity, it has been concluded that the conceptual
model deserves more attention, and the development direction
of resources and environmental carrying capacity has been
pointed out.
Index Terms—Resources and environmental carrying
capacity, assess method, conceptual models
The authors are with College of Water Sciences, Beijing Normal
University, 19 Xinjiekouwai Street, Beijing, China (e-mail:
tyn229@yahoo.com.cn; whongqi@126.com).
Cite:Y. N. Tian and H. Q. Wang, "Progress of Resources and Environmental Carrying
Capacity," Journal of Clean Energy Technologies vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 132-135, 2013.